Over the last 3 years of Treating people in Stratford Upon Avon with Plantar Fasciitis with lots of conversations about how I can help you I have come up with the 9 most common questions.
1. What is the price of treatment?
Answer: Treatment varies, and is dependent on what is needed. An Initial 1:1 Assessment and treatment is essential and Includes:
Cost of a Initial 1:1 Assessment and treatment is £99. Treatment is done in packages along the 3, 6, 9 system and start at £397 (£99 cost of Initial 1:1 Assessment and Treatment deducted from package price) . More detail on costing and treatment can be found here: https://interxpainclinic.com/pricing/
2. What exactly is the treatment? you use medical devices tell me more?
Answer: Treatment uses the medical device InterX to treat the pain and inflammation of Plantar Fascia and the pulsed electro stimulation helps the fascia heal. Red Light therapy also helps reduce pain and accelerate healing more detail can be found here: https://interxpainclinic.com/plantar-fasciitis-treatment-at-interx-pain-clinic-stratford-upon-avon/
3. You talk about a multidisciplinary approach and Homework what do you mean?
Answer: Homework is mobility movements at home to be done daily. These help in the first instance with Range of Movement, the progression onto walking and standing and finally extended walking. You normally have to do 6 minutes walking a day as a starting point. Examples of the types of movement you can be asked to do are here: https://interxpainclinic.com/plantar-fasciitis-treatment-movements/
4. You talk about obvious success, how successful is the treatment?
Answer: For Plantar Fasciitis this year I have had a 93% success rate of people having a pain reduction of 90% or more and a 300% increase in mobility (difficult to be accurate based on magnitude of improvement). I have clients going from less than 1000 steps a day to been able to walk 15000 repeated over several days. The pain is difficult to reduce to zero all the time as I am constantly pushing you to improve physically so fighting against myself. I have conducted a significant amount of research on Fascia and Plantar fasciitis with numerous success stories, more information is HERE https://interxpainclinic.com/success-testimonials/
5. You talk about this 3, 6, 9 process how does this work?
Answer: Pre 3, 6, 9 is a Initial 1:1 Assessment and Treatment which is very extensive and covers medical history, pain, physical movements and is essentially fault finding to build a treatment plan.
I look at 3 treatment areas, the first is using medical devices to reduce the pain and inflammation and with extended treatment to heal the painful area.
The second is to focus on the root cause of the problem and look at ways of modifying movements so it’s less painful. This requires an extensive movement analysis in the consultation but if you can do movements that limit pain increase or triggering it helps the recovery process significantly.
The third is to alter movement so to change the loading or forces on the body. This has two significant advantages, firstly it reduces aggravation of the area and secondly modified movement allows for a lasting change. An example is altered foot position with plantar fasciitis to reduce pain but allow the foot to move better to promote healing and a lasting fix.
This new approach has simplified my treatment to be 3, 6, or 9 sessions depending on severity of issue and treatment goals. This helps with speed of recovery and impact of treatment, so a 3 session package is completed in 2 weeks, a 6 session package in 3 to 4 and a 9 session package in 5 to 6 weeks. More detail on my 3, 6, 9 process can be found HERE https://interxpainclinic.com/my-3-6-9-treatment-approach/
I have also developed a 3, 6, 9 treatment Course Plantar Fasciitis Rehabilitation for people who cannot get to the clinic due to location which is available HERE https://energymedicine.io/plantar-fasciitis-rehabilitation/
6. How does your treatment compare to others for example Physiotherapy, Osteopath, acupuncture or another medical device shockwave?
Answer: Some of the movements I use are taken from physiotherapy and adapted. I have analysed human movements for 14 years in rehabilitation and sport at University. This gives me a basis to adapt movements to suit the treatment but most importantly You! Again some movements are adapted from Osteopaths and Chiropractors, but the advantage is I am not limited by one perspective so can blend techniques and customise. Acupuncture has links with interX for nerve stimulation and some forms of acupuncture use current t enhance the effectiveness of treatment. Acupuncture also works with fascia at its core so again has links with interX. Other medical devices have a positive impact, shock wave therapy works well on soft tissue and has had some great results. Essentially treatment is a combination of ingredients I use a variety and assess effectiveness, and adapt if needed. This I have found increases success, limiting to one approach will not always work. More detail on the differences between Shockwave Therapy and InterX Treatment are available HERE https://interxpainclinic.com/is-electric-shock-wave-therapy-eswt-better-than-interx-nin-in-the-treatment-of-plantar-fasciitis/
7. I have plantar fasciitis but I also have lower back pain do you help with other issues?
Answer: Yes I also am a expert at working with ankles, hips, knees, and lower back. See success stories https://interxpainclinic.com/success-story-wayne/
8. You seem to not like and discourage orthotics? Why is this when I have prescription orthotics?
Answer: Orthotics in my experience should be used for plantar fasciitis as a short term option to help with healing and foot strengthening. Not a permanent thing as the foot relies on the crutch of the orthotic and cannot heal as not been used correctly. Essentially with plantar fasciitis you have an injury it needs some temporary support then you need to rehabilitate. For example if you break your arm, it’s in plaster for 6 weeks, then taken out of plaster and you start using it again. Its weak at first and movement is difficult but with the correct Rehabilitation it improves quickly. Plantar fasciitis is exactly the same in my view.
Plantar fasciitis is exactly the same in my view. You can sign up for more information about plantar fasciitis with my eBook Plantar Fasciitis Information and Solutions HERE
9. Who are you and what is your skills and experience?
Answer: I
I am Stephen Grinnell and I have successfully treated over 2800 people over the last 13 years at my InterX Pain Clinic. I have a lecturing Background and MSc in Physical Rehabilitation and I am an expert at treating Plantar Fasciitis and have treated over 219 people this year. More detail on me: https://interxpainclinic.com/about-me/
Plantar Fasciitis Treatment is Available at InterX Pain Clinic Stratford Upon Avon
If you would like a conversation to find out more about my plantar fasciitis call Stephen on 07933265001 and leave a message for a call back, or ideally book a slot below