The last 12 months have been very intense and I have successfully treated 219 patients with a success rate of 93%.
During this time I have been reviewing and modifying my treatment process to be the most effective and efficient to maximise results!
This has required me to review all aspects of my treatment from consultation, treatment, mobility movements and consonantly reviewing to get the best results. I have had to specialise in 3 key areas as I was getting overwhelmed with patients.
The three key areas I specialise in are:-
- Plantar Fasciitis, which leads to ankle and lower limb issues.
- Knee pain and knee replacement rehabilitation.
- Lower back pain, particularly sciatica and L4, L5 issues.
During the review of my selection process to see how I could help people with treatment and realistic goals I have had to adjust. I have always worked to get the best result and be pain free with high level mobility. I have found that many patients are happy with an initial focus on pain reduction and basic mobility improvement. This is the initial focus of my first 3 sessions to bring the pain from a high level to a 3 or lower with basic mobility.

I found that asking people to rate pain on the standard scale was problematic. As the initial consultation people graded themselves very highly a 8 or 9+. But when tracking progress small reductions were recorded even if able to do significantly more, so the results did not correlate.
I have simplified the pain assessment by focusing on 3, 6, 9 which fall into each category of minor, moderate, or severe pain. You tend to only experience a 9, unbearable pain for a short time as it tends to be a acute response. Commonly people sit around a 6 which is intense pain which can last for time interspersed with a 3 or tolerable pain for extended periods. This enables people to have essentially less choices, but a definite focus, which allows for a significantly more accurate assessment over 24 hours and a week.
Obviously at a pain level of 9 your mobility will be limited to only small movements, but as the intensity drops you will be able to move. At a pain level of 6 you will be able to move more particularly if the movement is specific to help the problem!
I look at 3 treatment areas, the first is using medical devices to reduce the pain and inflammation and with extended treatment to heal the painful area.
The second is to focus on the root cause of the problem and look at ways of modifying movements so its less painful. This requires a extensive movement analysis in the consultation but if you can do movements that limit pain increase or triggering it helps the recovery process significantly.
The third is to alter movement so to change the loading or forces on the body. This has two significant advantages, firstly it reduces aggravation of the area and secondly modified movement allows for a lasting change. An example is altered foot position with plantar fasciitis to reduce pain but allow the foot to move better to promote healing and a lasting fix.
This new approach has simplified my treatment to be 3, 6, or 9 sessions depending on severity of issue and treatment goals. This helps with speed of recovery and impact of treatment, so a 3 session package is completed in 2 weeks, a 6 session package in 3 to 4 and a 9 session package in 5 to 6 weeks. This means faster results for patients even with a complex problem you are significantly more mobile with reduced pain in less than six weeks!
I am currently operating at a 93% success rate with clients with a range of pain and mobility issues.
I am offering a FREE Conversation for 20 minutes to advise on your pain or mobility issue. I have 10 slots a week, if you are interested in more information, help, or just another opinion on your pain and mobility