
I have a 3, 6, 9 approach to treatment!

3, What this means is the focus of the first 3 sessions is to reduce the Pain and inflammation you are experiencing while starting your physical rehabilitation.

6, The second 3 sessions focus on reducing pain and inflammation further while increasing your physical mobility significantly.

9, The third 3 sessions is ensuring you have exceeded your mobility and movement expectations while been pain free the ultimate goal.

I currently have a 93% success rate with patients who embrace the 3, 6, 9 approach and do the required recovery movements daily to ensure a lasting result.

Package 1

3 Sessions


  • Consultation Required (£49 Free if Package taken)
  • Medical Treatment
  • Medical Devices
  • 3 x Sessions with a focus on pain and inflammation relief
  • Key Bespoke Initial Mobility movements
  • Movement Analysis and Biomechanics
  • Up Front Package Cost

Package 2

6 Sessions


  • Consultation Required (£49 Free if Package taken)
  • Medical Treatment
  • Medical Devices
  • 6 x Sessions with a focus on significant mobility increase and pain and inflammation reduction
  • Flexible treatment
  • Bespoke mobility movements to accelerate recovery
  • Active biomechanics
  • Movement analysis
  • Video support
  • Up front Package Cost
93% Success Rate

package 3

9 Sessions


  • Consultation Required (£49 Free if package taken) 
  • Medical Treatment
  • Medical Devices
  • 9 x Sessions with a focus on maintaining Pain Free level while doing lots of mobility work exceeding pre injury mobility*
  • Flexible treatment
  • Progressive Bespoke mobility movements to accelerate recovery while embedding Habits and changes 
  • Movement analysis and biomechanics
  • Video
  • Up front Package Cost
  • Free Plan



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 


    per Year



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 

    per Year



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 

    To Find out more  and have a conversation: Call 07933 265001

    or Direct Message using the Facebook Icon to the Right

    Will you book a FREE Conversation to find out how I can Help you Below!
