I tend to see people in cycles as people sign up to a treatment plan, so I have been busy finishing with 6 patients this week who have all had fantastic results. I am an expert at treating plantar fasciitis and all 6 patients had this issue. I have been refining my treatment over the last year and seen over a 100 patients in the last 12 months with plantar fasciitis. All 6 patients had different responses to the treatment plan and all needed changes, it highlights how special the human body is.
The consistent area they all needed was sequencing and biomechanical changes but in a different order to each other. For example standing from sitting first thing in the morning and throughout the day tends to be painful 3 patients did not have an issue with this. One patient found standing difficult but could walk extended distances of over an hour another could stand easily, but walking even short distances was difficult.
I have modified my approach and treatment focus and these 6 patients did all of the treatment plan over 9 sessions just progressed at different rates and in different orders to each other.
The lesson I have learnt is that we all do jigsaws differently but a clear picture of what we want to achieve and the pieces of the puzzle we need to complete the sequence is not important!
However with plantar fasciitis rehabilitation its important to grade everything to track improvement and allow you to focus on habit change and recovery.
I have put together a eBook Plantar Fasciitis Information and Solutions which will help on your recovery, you can download HERE https://interxpainclinic.com/plantar-fasciitis-information-and-solutions/
If you would like to book a conversation to see how I can help you please book below