I have been treating a variety of back problems over the last 12 years with great success. I use my 3, 6, 9 step process to assess, treat, and formulate a treatment plan. I have worked with a large number of people and issues ranging from, sciatica to slipped discs, prolapses, disc bulges, posture and alignment and most things in between. Importantly, I tend to be the specialist at the end of the list of other practitioners and see complex cases.
Most of the people I see have a complex issue with multiple complaints. An example is a lady I am currently treating who has lower back issues, that radiate down her legs along with shoulder and neck problems, that radiate down her arms. She has had treatment from a Chiropractor, Osteopath, Physiotherapist, Sports Massage, Two lots of steroid injections and no improvement!
I work with the whole person and treat areas in stages incorporating the whole so initially the lower back and neck were a focus then the feet due to deferred pain. This bespoke approach has allowed me to improve sitting while at home and work along with short periods of standing and walking. We are only at the start of a package, but already significant results. This lady works in the medical profession and has access to numerous doctors and specialists. The challenge is just that too specialised sometimes so only see part of the picture.
I have developed different rehabilitation movements for treating back issues, based on biomechanics of human movement. I follow through a simple example is walking I see lots of people who have trouble standing and walking, not just with back issues but with feet, ankle and knee issues. They are told that their gait and walking is part of the problem which is correct, but they are not shown how to change or modify their walking to help.
This is just an example but significantly not the only one. I use medical devices to treat pain in the back and along the spine and dermatomes. As the pain reduces I use different settings to reduce the inflammation and accelerate healing. The rehabilitation movements I use are very different to other specialists and I use them in combination with a change in movement and posture habits for a lasting fix and change.
I am looking to develop my treatment process further and as with other common issues I am doing research with a limited number of cases in April 2024. If you have a back issue and would like to find out more about how I work call 01789 228123 for a conversation, or if you prefer use the Facebook icon.