You awake to start your day from a restless sleep, where you woke frequently due to been in the wrong position and your back is hurting. You gradually and tentatively move to sitting on the edge of the bed with your feet on the floor. You lean forwards to stretch your back while building the motivation to stand, knowing it is going to hurt…..
A day in the life of living with back pain
You finally stand, slowly uncurling like Neanderthal man to a upright position and take your first steps to the bathroom. You wash and change with slow specific movements, compensating for the pain. You go downstairs slowly and get ready for work. You get in the car and drive, its easier now as its automatic and you can get in a comfortable position.
At work you have a specific routine to cope with your role, whatever it is, this may be frequent movement or pacing along with potential painkilling medication. You think, how long have I had this problem, and wonder if it will get better. Work and life is a great distraction and you plod through the day, at points your back is not so painful and at other times it catches you out. You return home as you are tired and it can be better or worse in the evening, depending on what you are doing. It’s bedtime and time to get some fatigued sleep once more.
A dim picture, but so common in lots of my back pain clients at my clinic in Stratford upon Avon. They have some time to recover at the weekend, when they are under less pressure, but it tends to be a regular cycle.
If you want to break the cycle contact me and book an appointment to see how I work with my 5 step process and be pain free. Hazel did and she has been able to not have back surgery, “the difference to having surgery and not is significant I am so pleased I invested in myself”
For more information visit or call 01789 228123
Or alternatively try my 3 day back challenge at
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