Judy's successful recovery from Plantar Fasciitis
Judy came to see me for Plantar Fasciitis treatment which was impacting on both feet. She had a role in a large company that meant walking distances was essential along with at times periods of standing. Judy walked about 15 mins to work and back each day and commented that if OAPs could overtake her she definitely had a issue and the pain was becoming excruciating.
Judy had the standard issues of pain in the morning and pain when standing after sitting for a period of time this usually was worse in the evenings. Judy was keen to get back to doing extended walking at the weekends which she had been missing due to not been able.
Judy responded to treatment extremely well and significant progress was made with pain after the first session and homework movements. The second session again another big improvement and Judy was using her daily walking commute as a initial indicator and when she was racing OAPs now she knew she was on the mend.

Judy completed the package of treatment and has a fully repaired fascia and is able to work and cope with home life completely pain free. Judy is able to walk extended distances at the weekend over uneven ground something she would not have attempted pre treatment package. Judy was a textbook plantar fasciitis case and a joy to work with.
Plantar Fasciitis Treatment is Available at InterX Pain Clinic Stratford Upon Avon
If you would like to know more about how I treat plantar Fasciitis please call Stephen on 01789 228123 for a conversation or use the messenger icon.