Plantar Fasciitis: Overview and Solution

July 28, 2022

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis the very common foot problem which is very painful but with limited research as to why people suffer with it!

Plantar fasciitis is caused by straining the part of your foot that connects your heel bone to your toes (plantar fascia).

It's not always clear why this happens.

You may be more likely to get plantar fasciitis if you:

  • are 40 to 60 years of age
  • recently started exercising on hard surfaces
  • exercise with a tight calf or heel
  • overstretch the sole of your foot during exercise
  • recently started doing a lot more walking, running or standing up
  • wear shoes with poor cushioning or support
  • are very overweight

This is taken directly from the NHS website and is very general for some more specific information read below………..

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is the most common cause of chronic heel pain in people both young active people and older less active individuals. The most common thoughts on why it occurs are linked to repetitive strain on the heel and tightness of the calf muscle particularly the gastrocnemius muscle.

Diagnosis is made with Step 1 of my process which is a detailed face to face consultation and physical examination. This type of condition is usually self-diagnosed from previous episodes of pain or from a internet search.

The number 1 symptom is plantar heel pain, which is at its worst first thing in the morning with initial steps or after a period of rest for example sitting.

Below is an example of two tests to find out the extent of the plantar issue and where specifically is the pain.

The Silverskiold test for Range of Movement

Plantar Squeeze Test for Pain

Doctor treatment is usually some physiotherapy linked to stretching the lower leg and orthotics for the feet to cushion heel pain and support foot arch. This along with activity modifications usually not doing something like sport or movements that aggravate the heel can lead to a full recovery in 3 to 6 months.

Corticosteroid injections temporarily relieve pain, but may increase the risk of plantar fascia rupture and fat pad atrophy.

InterX Treatment is non invasive and clinical proven to rapidly reduce Plantar Fasciitis pain in two weeks with a intensive treatment package and with targeted rehabilitation movements to support the body healing the fascia to return to normal. Step 2 and 3 of my 5 Step process

The diagram above shows how when we take a step the muscles of the calf and foot raise the foot arch and pull or lengthen the plantar fascia so causing pain where the damage is. When you have pain the supporting muscles used to move and stabilise the joint contract and shorten to help stop movement and cause more pain. This is why stretching and movement is important in the rehabilitation. Step 4 of my process is a specific number of targeted movements to accelerate mobility and recovery

The pain tends to be a specific area of the foot in one of the three Plantar Fascia bands highlighted above and can also highlight the movement that damaged the fascia in the first place. Fascia is strong tissue that is dense and supportive and rather like tendons or ligaments so is very strong and is not meant to lengthen or shorten as it provides structural support to the foot and relevant joints. As the foot is under a high load and generates lots of force to move use the plantar fascia is particularly dense and strong and only a small amount of damage presents lots of pain.

Step 5 of my 5 step process is review and as much as possible I work to allow you to live as normal a life while recovering rapidly. This is not always the case and some rest and elevation will be needed to aid healing.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment is Available at InterX Pain Clinic Stratford Upon Avon

If you would like to know more about how I treat plantar fasciitis please call Stephen on 01789 228123 for a conversation or use the messenger icon. Alternatively join the plantar fasciitis masterclass group which can be accessed HERE.

I have just completed a Book Plantar Fasciitis Information and Solutions which is available by signing up below

More information on feet and plantar fasciitis

#plantarfasciitis #interxpainclinic #stratforduponavon

About the author

Stephen Grinnell MSc Health and Rehabilitation
Pain and Physical Rehabilitation Specialist: Plantar Fasciitis, Lower back and Knee
Stephen has had his own Pain and Rehabilitation Clinic for over 13 years where he has treated well over 2800 people with lots of different pain and injury issues. Stephen’s personal physical rehabilitation journey started with a serious injury while on active service with the Royal Marines 25 years ago. This injury resulted in a long journey of complementary rehabilitation and two replacement hips. Stephen has developed his own bespoke treatment protocols using a variety of medical devices to help pain and inflammation resulting in accelerated recovery. Expert areas of focus are Plantar Fasciitis Treatment, Back pain issues particularly Lower Back and Sciatica and hip and knee replacement rehabilitation. Stephen previously had a successful academic career lecturing at a variety of Colleges and Universities in the Sports Science, Rehabilitation and Training areas. Stephen has also worked in The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Physiotherapy department during the Covid 19 Pandemic helping the recovery of COVID patients. In 2022 Stephen has been extensively researching and trialling protocols to treat plantar fasciitis. His Expertise has resulted in the successful treatment of 303 people and counting with a current success rate of 93%

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