I have talked previously about Plantar Fasciitis and the load on feet and how different muscles of the foot support different actions. The fascia is a supportive structure essentially a band from the heel to the ball of the foot. This is supported by 4 layers of muscles, tendons and ligaments to allow for balance movements when stationary and dynamic explosive movements when playing sport. This structure forms the basis of a triangle with the top the ankle.
This is important, because when I talk about triangles everyone’s mental image is of a equal triangle, and the foot is not. The ankle to the heel is a short side. The load from the body goes down the leg to the top of the triangle at the ankle. The force is distributed approximately 90% from the ankle to the heel when standing and only 10% to the ball of foot. This obviously alters when we walk and force is transferred to the ball of foot. This is why people with Plantar Fasciitis struggle with standing from sitting particularly first thing in the morning waking up and getting out of bed.
The Video Below shows a pre stand routine you can use first thing in the morning or when you have been sat for some time. This is important as to limit the initial stress on the fascia.
By doing this pre stand routine it will off load your foot and reduce the damage to the fascia particularly in the morning when the fascia was partially repaired while you were asleep.
Plantar Fasciitis Treatment is Available at InterX Pain Clinic Stratford Upon Avon
If you would like to know more about how I treat plantar fasciitis please call Stephen on 01789 228123 for a conversation or book below,