I think I have cracked it! Plantar Fasciitis Treatment
I have successfully treated 366 cases of plantar fasciitis over the last 3 years in Stratford Upon Avon. This has been part of a research study with clients ranging from 31 years old to 79 years of age and a average age range of 45 to 60 with a mix of males and females.
I have used my 3 stage process to develop the medical device protocols and the biomechanical and gait assessment strategies for the fastest pain relief and recovery! Clients have had a range of treatments of varying time and intensity. The optimal frequency of treatment is 3 sessions within 2 weeks then weekly as required. I have also recently been trialling a speed programme for eligible people where 3 weeks is the target. Clients vary with coping strategies for plantar fasciitis and we have to modify movement and rest and break habits.
The medical treatment has been a significant breakthrough with pain and inflammation reduction in the first sessions then progressing with healing the fascia for lasting results. As the fascia heals pain tends to move around the foot as the complexity of the foot structure means multiple sites of damage.
Depending on how long the client has had the plantar fasciitis, used insoles, had surgery or other foot issues impacts on how the foot moves and can be loaded. This can further hinder the fascia recovery. Walking and standing particularly in the morning is a common theme and walking and standing all clients reported difficulty with.
All clients needed some gait or walking modifications and in some cases compensation due to plantar fasciitis. As the pain reduced and the fascia was healing then ankle movement improved enabling a better walking movement. This improvement lead to other parts of the foot been painful as alternative muscles tendons and ligaments were been used so front ankle pain and ball/top of foot and big toe increased in discomfort.The last key area of treatment focus is on the calf muscle, ankle and achilles tendon. The soleus the muscle going into the achilles tendon was of particular focus just above the ankle. This started to have light inflammation when been used more as clients progressed with treatment. The treatment for this area in addition to interX was red light therapy which works specifically on tissue and the mitochondria in muscles. This treatment as highlighted in the video is enhanced when used with interX and helps cells work aerobically with oxygen and gets rid of toxins faster.
See what people are saying about Plantar Fasciitis Treatment at InterX Pain Clinic Stratford Upon Avon

As already stated movement was essential once the pain subsided and the clients who moved the most and focused on specific movements progressed the fastest with the greatest magnitude of results.
The results are a culmination of lots of reviewing progress and adapting treatments, some experimentation with footwear and movements along with some amazing clients.
Plantar Fasciitis Treatment is Available at InterX Pain Clinic Stratford Upon Avon.
I offer a Initial 1:1 Assessment and Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis which Includes the following:
- Review of Medical History and Assessment of Pain with Plantar Fasciitis
- Mobility Assessment and Pain Triggers, along with solutions
- Diagnosis of issue and explanation of what is happening, why, and solution
- Treatment plan and medical device trial treatment
- Rehabilitation plan with initial structured movements
- Next Steps
This is an intense session and lots will be done with actual progress for reducing pain and improving mobility. The cost of the session is £99 , and you can book below
Alternatively if you would like to stay in touch and sign up for my Book Plantar Fasciitis Information and Solutions please enter your details below.