Fast Back Pain Recovery

July 4, 2024

Lower back impacts 1 in 4 people in the UK!

Its been a busy few months working with lots of Back Pain patients. I have been in research and development mode for most of this year and I have been asking lots of questions and having an immense amount of feedback. I am always striving to improve my treatment plan help as many people as possible and develop my treatment process.

I was challenged by a patient on speed!

What if I could have the same success with patients I have been refining, movements and treatments with, but, in a faster time, a much faster time?

I have in my 12 years treating Lower Back Pain been cautious on recovery time and always put it at 4 to 6 weeks. I have tried different approaches with treatment frequency and duration. The sequencing of movements and progression, so if feeling good to push to recover faster. I have successfully implemented a rapid rehabilitation programme in another treatment area of plantar fasciitis with great success, so why not lower back pain?

Thinking about it I am not really sure why I have neglected speed of recovery! I work on a principle of reducing pain and inflammation while increasing mobility and movement. I have not pushed time before and for suitable patients a rapid recovery is just the next development.

So I am looking for people who have lower back pain, they have tried everything to get better and had no lasting success. If this is you and you want to be free of back pain! Will you click on a option below to begin you Rapid Rehabilitation Journey?

Will you take one of the 2 Options Below?

Free Conversation with Stephen:

 This is a planned phone conversation to find out more about Lower Back Pain Treatment.

>> You will understand why you have Lower Back Pain and why other solutions have worked for a short time or not at all.

>> You will learn some standing and walking movements to help reduce pain straight away.

>> You will learn more about Stephen's Rapid Rehabilitation treatment package and why its 93% successful!

1:1 Solution for Lower Back Pain:

This is face to face meeting with Stephen at his clinic in Stratford upon Avon.

>> You will understand why you have Lower Back Pain and why other solutions have worked for a short time or not at all.

>> You will learn some standing and walking movements to help reduce pain straight away.

>> You will learn more about Stephen's Rapid Rehabilitation treatment package and why its 93% successful!

About the author

Stephen Grinnell MSc Health and Rehabilitation
Pain and Physical Rehabilitation Specialist: Plantar Fasciitis, Lower back and Knee
Stephen has had his own Pain and Rehabilitation Clinic for over 13 years where he has treated well over 2800 people with lots of different pain and injury issues. Stephen’s personal physical rehabilitation journey started with a serious injury while on active service with the Royal Marines 25 years ago. This injury resulted in a long journey of complementary rehabilitation and two replacement hips. Stephen has developed his own bespoke treatment protocols using a variety of medical devices to help pain and inflammation resulting in accelerated recovery. Expert areas of focus are Plantar Fasciitis Treatment, Back pain issues particularly Lower Back and Sciatica and hip and knee replacement rehabilitation. Stephen previously had a successful academic career lecturing at a variety of Colleges and Universities in the Sports Science, Rehabilitation and Training areas. Stephen has also worked in The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Physiotherapy department during the Covid 19 Pandemic helping the recovery of COVID patients. In 2022 Stephen has been extensively researching and trialling protocols to treat plantar fasciitis. His Expertise has resulted in the successful treatment of 303 people and counting with a current success rate of 93%

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